Have you thought about donating to NWAC through work? Your employer may be able to help you support avalanche safety. As a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, NWAC is eligible for most matching programs. Last year these matching gift programs helped us raise over $45,000, which allowed us to issue 1,335 avalanche forecasts and provide snow safety education to over 5,700 community members!

Please use the search tool below to see if your company will match your donation and to access the forms, guidelines, and instructions that you need to submit a matching gift.

Our Information

Legal Name: Northwest Avalanche Center
Address: 249 Main Ave S, Suite 107-366, North Bend, WA 98045
Tax ID number or EIN: #91-1971688

Please note that employers can only match the amount you have paid to-date, as opposed to the total amount you are donating over time. If you made a one-time gift, great! You can submit for a match for the full amount.

If you are a monthly donor, your gift can be matched in one of two ways:

1) Submit a matching gift form for each month’s installment 

– OR –

2) Submit a matching gift form when your installments have completed, or once a fiscal year.

Payroll Deduction

Donate through your employer’s payroll deduction program. Many employers are part of workplace giving programs. You can have your donation spread out over the course of the year or make a one-time donation by deducting it from your paycheck. This simplifies the process on your end and ensures that you receive the tax benefit—and allows us to focus on avalanche safety rather than fundraising! 

If you work for federal, state, county or city government or work for a public university, NWAC will be listed in your campaign catalog. Look for “Northwest Avalanche Center” or “Friends of the Northwest Weather and Avalanche Center” listed alphabetically in the index. Write NWAC’s code number on your payroll deduction pledge form.

If you have any questions about workplace giving please contact liz@nwac.us