Terms of use: Thanks for sharing your avalanche, snowpack and weather observations with all of us in the backcountry community. We ask all observations be submitted in an informative and respectful tone. NWAC will edit or remove content below that standard.
*Indicates required field
General Information
Adding a location allows your observation to be displayed on the map-based observation viewer.
Choose a point on the map that best represents your observation area. If you prefer, choose the location where you parked or started your day.
Click on the map or search to set a point. Drag the marker to move it, or click the clear button to remove the location
Avalanche Activity
If reporting an avalanche incident, we respect your right to privacy. We will never share you name or other personal information.
Signs of Instability
Advanced Observations
Enter any other pertinent information below. This may include more detailed information about where you traveled; aspects, elevations, routes, etc. Did you seek out or avoid specific terrain? You can also include snowpack test results, riding conditions, weather observations, and anything else you think helps frame the observation.
Please send us your relevant photos! Sometimes it's true, a good photo can be worth a thousand words. Descriptions are optional but appreciated. JPG or PNG photo types accepted. To accommodate low bandwidth situations, your image will automatically be scaled to a max width of 2000 pixels before upload. Unfortunately we cannot accept videos through this form.