Elevation: 4500, Aspect: NNW, Incline: 25deg
Ski Pen: 15cm, Boot Pen 80cm
Wind: Calm
Ski: Overcast
Height of Snow: 315cm
Dug a pit down to about as tall as me, but still another 170cms of snow below that. Clearly identified the graupel layer from yesterday afternoon. About 6cm wide and down about 33cms down from the surface. This was the most reactive layer getting a ECTN20 and CT19Q3 on that layer. Found what appears to be the 12/22 crust (3cm wide) about 86cm from the surface and the 12/18 crust (~5cm) at about 105cm from the surface.
Lots of small slides from what looked like tree bombs.
Skiing was fantastic thigh deep PNW pow.