We walked from the trailhead for about 1 1/2 mi before putting skis on (~elevation 3200ft). Snow was old, icy and covered with branches and downed trees up to elevation 4200, where a dusting of snow began to coat the icy layer, and increased as we gained elevation. Weather was sunny and calm today.
On south aspects above 5000ft I found 3 separate crust layers in the top 20cm before reaching the 16cm thick Jan 12 crust. Between the crusts I primarily found rounding and decomposing forms. A 1-5cm layer of light snow on the surface had surface hoar on top and decomposing stellars beneath, both breaking down in the intense sun and getting moist as the day progressed. Another crust will form from today. Only a few rollerballs ran naturally on this thin surface layer. Ski turns in steep areas caused very small wet loose avalanches but larger than any naturals, which ran easily on the crust beneath.
On the northern half of the compass above 5000ft I found 15-25cm of low density snow over the Jan 12 crust. There was 4mm surface hoar on the surface, present in sheltered treeless areas. Small amounts of near surface faceting were present but not substantial at the time. Along ridgelines and above 5800ft the snow was variable, stripped down to the crust in spots. There was also a thin rime layer present on trees above 5800ft on the NW sides, but the surface snow was not coated in a crust except stripped areas along ridgelines.
Numerous old avalanche signs were present from Jan 11-12 event, D2-D3 with crowns up to 3ft on all aspects, one having run down to ~ 2200ft, far below snowline. No new signs of avalanches were present aside from the very small wet loose.