Travelled between 5000’ and 9500’ in area W of Timberline ski area. Fresh wind slabs forming under moderate Easterly winds, particularly around 6,000’-7,000’. Minimal signs of instability observed other than in the fresh wind slab. For all cracking observed, failures occurred on or in low density snow immediately above a subtle zipper crust (formed ~1/3?). Crust present at surface specifically on wind exposed ridges.
Test pit at 5,500’, westerly aspect adjacent to Little Zigzag Canyon. CT 11 failing down 20 cm on zipper crust. No propagation or failure at all in ECT (ECT X). Surface snow/slab was soft (F) and minimally wind affected in pit location, greater propagation potential indicated by cracking in more dense fresh wind slabs at slightly higher elevation as noted above. Moist layer of snow found 75 cm down, unknown thickness (50+ cm, I didn’t dig deeper than 120 cm down).