Terrain: 0845-1200 hrs. Commonwealth Basin approach to Kendall Peak. We stopped shy of the main Kendall startzones around 5000'. We then traveled over to Kendall Knob and back to the TH. Creeks at lower elevations (<4500') are still open and very deep.
Tree bomb/ Tree branch hazard: Several large (8+" dia) limbs/ trunks of trees fell with snow bombs today. While we saw numerous blobs fall from the trees, they are still heavily laden and this posed one of our greatest hazards.
Snowpack: There was about 12-14" (35cm) of new snow over yesterday's surface. Multiple up-track tests, hand shears, and small slope tests produced only minimal; results, but any failures were consistently on the 1/5 interface (base of the new snow). Many of these small slopes were well supported. Ski penetration generally 1.5-2' (45-60cm) deep.
The snow surface was moist and very heavy below 4500' with a thin MFcr from the morning's very light rain. Above 4500' the snow was noticeable direr.
Numerous new rollerballs from rain in the morning and sun breaks around lunchtime. Some of these rollerballs were more than 2' in diameter.
Weather: Overcast to obscured in the morning became broken and scattered by noon. Winds were very light to calm. Very light rain in the morning with the snowlevels around 4000'.