With 7AM start at trailhead, went up the standard trial to Bullion Basin. We then ascended NW facing slope to the saddle between East Peak and peak 6480. In the shade we found 10cm of unconsolidated cold snow on frozen crust, making for challenging kick turns for the less experienced members of our party.
From the saddle we travesed south for 200m an descended in to Union Creek drainage to 1700m elevation. On this WSW facing slope we found warming snow and considerable rolling balls but no sluffing. As conditions were warming fast, we decided to head towards East Peak and ski out before the hazard increased. Skinning was much easier on the warming snow, and we made good progress attaining the ridge line and the summit of East Peak. The descent down the SW slope of East Peak was uneventful cream on crust and had less rolling ball activity than we saw in Union Creek Basin.
All in all a nice day out, though it appeared there had been a turkey shoot on Thanksgiving and most lines were already tracked even though we were first up this morning...