Tacoma Mountain Rescue conducted its weekly patrol in partnership with MRNP. During the patrol two pits were dug- one at tree level just to the North of Alta Vista and another above the treeline on Pano Peak Face.
Test Pit #1- was a solid base of snow. We dug to a depth of 185 cm before seeing any type of layer that was questionable. On conducting a pressure test the snow simply compacted down and did not move.
Test Pit #2- We dug this on a westerly-facing slope and only dug 110 cm before hitting ground level. This pit was far more volatile. The first 25 cm was fluffy powder snow which sat on a weak frozen hoar layer. We conducted two pressure tests- one without cutting a backline and the other with one. Both had similar results. At the number 6 forearm hit the column collapsed. It resulted in a dry loose slab coming off of the weak frozen hoar layer. This could be the result showing a release if a skier was traversing across a slope. We have a video of the column test.