Snow levels start consistently around 4k, with snow starting to pepper in around 3500.
Wednesday was sunny, so warming was the main concern. The snow was soft and slippery, and became deep above the treeline. When I popped out of the trees around noon, I was ankle deep in the snow. I eventually switched to snow shoes and even those were sinking in 6-10" (on the way down). Given the warming, very soft snow conditions, and lack of partner - I turned back on the ridge. On the way down I had a couple times where the snow slid out from under my foot as a very small "slab" (but this could indicate the possibility of larger wet loose in bigger and more open slopes).
If I had to guess, there is 12" of snow sitting on top of the consolidated snow pack.
I added a couple of extra pics looking up and down the avy chutes. It looks pretty rough, but the snow was so soft it probably wouldnt be terribly. There are some deep holes opening up that you would not want to catch a pole / arm / leg / ski in!