Ideal plan for the day was to ascend to Devils Kitchen and then ski traverse down to Illumination Saddle and back to Timberline via top of Palmer lift. Above Palmer, noticed multiple inch wind slab on lower angle slope with junk underneith (pics). As we ascended mid-afternoon, patchy whiteout became full whiteout suddenly due to prevailing northerly winds. At about 9300’ w now full whiteout and dwindling daylight hours, called it for safety reasons (ie slower descent to top of Palmer plus concerns of inability to see advance warning of rock/rime fall from Crater Rock as we would approach it plus risk of the ascending traverse below it to Devil’s Kitchen (w high consequence of being pushed into steep White River starting zone by natural wind or loose avys). Until now my first season here has had mostly prevailing SW winds and easy visibility to assess and escape. Not so w northerly wind (ie from behind Hood) surpise. Another note was how easy it was to accidentally descend fall line down Zigzag (and if not careful toward MS headcliff) from our locale on Crater Rock ascent turnaround point (9300’). Expected that from Illumination and further into Zigzag. Compass (both avenza maps orientation-based and physical compass as backup to iphone freeze syndrome) kept us on track despite rime covered mini ridges. Down low much clearer except while looking back toward enshrouded Hood. Earlier in the day a friend had had fairly bluebird conditions and various forecasts had given no indication of otherwise. A good reminder about how prominent peaks can generate their own weather and a warning wake up call going forward re Hood.