Dug down on a NE facing slope @4800ft to observe the mid January crust complex and associated facets. Observed 50cm rightside up HST from storms since 1/30 sitting on a 5cm K hard MFcr (1/30). Below the 1/30 crust there are 5cm of .5-1mm rounded facets on top of another 3cm K hard crust, then alternating MFcr and moist polycrystals. Test results as follows:
CT12 RP down 25cm
CT23 SC down 65cm on .5-1mm FCxr
ECTN (wailed on the column after standard loading steps and eventually got a propagating failure down 65cm on same layer as above, see photo)
PST 60/100 End down 65cm on .5-1mm FCxr