Took advantage of the mid-winter stability on the Hidden Lake summer route. Travel in the trees was adventurous with a light frozen crust on top of very wet and loose snowpack.
Once out of the trees, travel on climber's right of East Sibley Creek Drainage was easy. A hasty snow pit was dug, confirming past predictions and observations. Of the 4' of snow pack evaluated, sugary snow was present in between multiple crust layers. The last 1' was very wet and heavy.
Old D3/D4 avalanches observed in the East Fork Sibley Creek Drainage from the last major storm cycle. Both major slides were 250' to 300' at widest point with all snow pack removed with slide. D1 wet loose less than a week old not on all aspects above 5000 feet. No obvious glide cracks noted up to 5000'.
Sun crust with evidence of multiple cycles of freeze/thaw noted on all aspects.