In and out of the clouds for most of the morning with a few snowflakes falling here and there. Minimal to no wind experienced.
There was plenty of recent wet avalanche debris spotted in Bullion Basin and the surrounding area. Most of these are suspected to have run during the latest AR event and all had new snow on top of them. No new avalanches were observed except a few Wet Loose avalanches on cutbanks on my drive down the boulevard.
There is roughly 5-6 inches of new snow overlaying the 4/11 crust. I found the bond to be moderate to poor, but the snow lacked a lot of cohesion, so it was difficult to assess. The crust itself was fairly stout and whenever I stepped out of my skis, it was mostly boot supportable. In some locations, you would plunge through down to your knee or so. Moist snow exists under the crust and the wetting front was approximately a foot below the surface.
Near ridgelines, wind effect was present with deeper drifts, cornice build-up, textured surfaces, and wind sculpturing. I stomped on a few test features and got some cracking and small blocks to fail but didn't trigger any actual Wind Slabs.
On slopes that typically receive a lot of solar input, a breakable surface crust existed, likely from Tuesday afternoon. These same slopes showed some signs of moistening during sun breaks, but it never went full bluebird while I was out there today.