Snowed really hard, and with increasing strength between 8am and noon. Road to TH had skinnable snow around 3000 ft. New snow depth increased greatly past the TH, maybe 12cm new, but lots drifting. Aborted the ridge due to the high winds and went towards Bell Creek drainage and up to around 4000 ft before pulling the plug. The new snow was being moved easily and leaving pockets of scoured ice behind. Skied road and forest to about 200 ft below the TH. Snow was pretty light and skied well until it got too thin. Our skin tracks were buried by the time we were headed down. Light snow made it down to the road but around noon the sun came out, winds stuck around, and melting began. Did a couple hand tests in shelteredish areas and found new was non-cohesive and didn’t bond with the underlying crust.