Noticing some sun affect on south aspects giving some slightly crispy top layers, but mostly had right side up dense pow atop a rain crust.
Dug a pit along the southeast ridge on the windward side (SW facing): observed recent storm snow atop 1/1 rain crust, then the consolidated layer atop 12/21 rain crust. Stability failure took 10 wrist->10 lower arm->7 full arm taps to collapse on the 12/21 crust.
Dropped a sizable cornice onto the NE face from the same ridge: this did not trigger any activity along that slope.
We felt comfortable with skiing the east facing line of Scatter Peak SE based on these obs. We did ski the open face with clean run out below, then sidled over to the trees once we were level with the ridge tree line again.
Here is a Strava record for route map reference: