It was a cold and windy day out there. From the parking lot elevation the moderate west winds were quite noticeable. Climbing up towards the ridge W winds became strong and drifted small amounts of new snow.
Most aspects (besides N) have a 1-2 cm thick melt-freeze surface crust that extends to 6000 ft. In some areas I noticed graupel sitting on top of this crust.
In a test profile at 5800', E aspect I observed an HS of 380 cm. Directly below the surface crust, I found a slightly softer layer of DF (4F-), but generally found a right-side-up snowpack structure below this. The 3/21 interface in this location doesn't appear too concerning and didn't produce any notable results.
Strong W winds moved small amount of snow available for transport near ridgetop. The older slabs (1F hard) appeared stubborn trending towards unreactive on test slopes.