Dug on the backside of Hyak today and found consistent results on the questionable persistent weak layer above the 12/9 rain crust.
CTH SC down 50cm X4 @3600'/SW Aspect.
Q1 results 3-5cm above 12/9 rain crust in all 4 small column tests taken from 4 different pits. Tests were conducted in an AIARE 1 course with some tests being rough in craftsmanship but still yielding consistent sudden collapses on weak layer 3-5cm above 12/9 rain crust. 12/9 crust was buried only ~55cm in this location (3600', SW Aspect) and only 1/2cm pencil hard. I was not able to confirm facets from a quick look but would assume rounding facets. Small difference (slightly softer 1F) in hardness test in this layer.
12/9 rain crust was only 0.5cm Pencil hard in these tests today. Yesterday (12/19) found this 12/9 rain crust 1-2cm Pencil to Knife Hard from 3700-4500 in Alpental Valley.
Trevor Kostanich