Total Depth: 165 cm
12/9 crust located 45 cm down
Fist to 5 finger going down to the 12/9 crust. One finger immediately after the crust then transitioning to a hard foundation.
Local propagation seen at ECT-N13 @ 15cm down, N15 @ 20cm/25cm down, N18 @ 30cm down.
At N26 @ 30cm down with more widespread propagation but still local. Believed to be where the hoar was observed on Saturday 12/12. We also had some winds from the NE that day starting around 1300.
On the shovel sheer test the extended column broke on the fracture at 30cm down.
Loose dry sliding was seen of the most recent accumulation of the day on steeper areas. One thicker, loose dry, about 15cm deep also observed on steeper terrain, entrained to become about 5' wide over 15' distance.